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Location: Duluth, Minnesota, United States

I am a: wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a mentor, a hiker, an avid reader, a knitter, a loyal friend, a filmmaker, a singer, a baker, a card maker, an editor, a gardener, a home owner, a laugher, a crier, a Paul McCartney fan, just to name a few... EMAIL me at carrster[at]yahoo[dot]com if you so desire

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Enger Park

Today I picked up Miss M and took her to Enger Park. When I arrived at her house, she was still eating dinner and had completely forgotten what day it was and that I was coming to pick her up! (I think her Mom forgot too). I also realized why she said my house was so clean. *sigh* Regardless, ,Miss M was ready to go in a flash. I told her to wear some "walking around shoes" and she put on some socks and we hit the road.

We visited Enger Tower & Park in Duluth. It's up on the top of the hill and such a beautiful place. The tower itself lets you see a glorious 360 degree view of Duluth. We tried to spot my house, but couldn't; and couldn't see her house due to another hill being in the way.

The park also has lush gardens - beautiful hastas, lillies of many kinds, impatiens, daisies, and numerous things I have no idea what they're called. There is a Japanese garden there as well with lovely sculpted trees and a giant Peace Bell (which we rung many times as we are very very peaceful.).

We also watched a ship leaving the harbor and the lift bridge going up. We journeyed down a trail I new (just happens to now be apart of the Superior Hiking Trail) down to "Twin Ponds." On our way there we noticed some litter and a plastic grocery bag. This turned into the great garbage hunt and we ended up picking up an entire bag full of trash at Twin Ponds! She kept saying how garbage was bad for the planet, and we were doing a good thing and if everyone did just a little work then the world would be a better place. My god. I am already in love with this kid! We had a great conversation. We searched for minnows & turtles in the pond. We skipped, ran, laughed, tickled, joked and instituted a "no whining" policy. We also hopped on rocks and smelled the flowers. It was a really lovely evening.

And to think at first she thought a "park" had to be a place with slides and swings. I'm about to show her a whole new world.

As we were leaving I asked her if she had a water bottle like mine (a nalgene). She said "no." I said that maybe we could get her one so that she could take it when we go hiking. Because, I told her "I plan on doing a lot of hiking with you this summer" She looked at me, eyes lighting up and said "you do?" She was very happy and that made me very happy. Warm fuzzies for everyone.

Next week we're going to go see the musical ONCE UPON A MATTRESS at the Duluth Playhouse. We're looking forward to "dressing up" (just a bit, it's still summer, after all - and it's only theater! not the symphony - ha ha) and "acting proper" (said with an English accent) and obviously being silly.

I think we are a great match. I can't wait to see where this leads.


Blogger jungle dream pagoda said...

Musical theatre, it's contagiously in the air.

9:08 AM  
Blogger carrster said...

Definitely! One of my loves as well (and my background). Hopefully she'll dig it. Maybe we can be in a show someday together. hee hee...

9:47 AM  
Blogger Test said...

Carrie, you are going to leave a lasting impression on this child. How awesome!

I just reconnected with my little buddy from back in my college days and he shared with me what an influence I was on him ~ something I didn't realize until we met again nearly 10 years later. Amazing what we can bring to each other if we just drop all the barriers and connect on the human level.

6:39 AM  

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