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Location: Duluth, Minnesota, United States

I am a: wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a mentor, a hiker, an avid reader, a knitter, a loyal friend, a filmmaker, a singer, a baker, a card maker, an editor, a gardener, a home owner, a laugher, a crier, a Paul McCartney fan, just to name a few... EMAIL me at carrster[at]yahoo[dot]com if you so desire

Friday, August 04, 2006

Spirit Valley Days Parade

Last night was the annual Spirit Valley Days Parade. Spirit Valley is a neighborhood/area on the west side of town (Duluth is very long and skinny so there are several of these different kinds of areas). Miss M had commented after the 4th of July how much she LOVED parades so I thought it would be a good thing to do.

Her Mom called me yesterday afternoon and said that they (herself & her two other kids) were also planning on going to the parade so why not just meet there. That was nice because it gave me a little extra time to work out in between work and the parade.

We sat, however, in the blazing sun. Staring directly INTO the sun for an hour and a half wasn't that fun. I didn't have my chair with me so I brought a blanket & Miss M & I sat on the curb which proved to put my butt right to sleep. The parade was so-so...not a lot of neat floats as I hoped but mostly politicians, local businesses and Shriners (I always like the Shriners!) There were some good dancers & gymnasts, a great bagpipe & drum band and a group of "older" ladies who did a tap routine (they were actually quite good and looked cute in matching pink 'mod' outfits complete with pink go-go boots!).

It's hard though to spend quality time with Miss M when here Mom, brother and sister are around. They upset the dynamic. It's supposed to be time for US when they're there it just becomes like normal family time + me hanging out. I prefer to do things with Miss M alone.

That being said we had fun grabbing candy and chatting and we set up plans to go to a movie on Sunday. Just the two of us.

Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera so there are no pictures. Oh well! Maybe next time...


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