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Location: Duluth, Minnesota, United States

I am a: wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a mentor, a hiker, an avid reader, a knitter, a loyal friend, a filmmaker, a singer, a baker, a card maker, an editor, a gardener, a home owner, a laugher, a crier, a Paul McCartney fan, just to name a few... EMAIL me at carrster[at]yahoo[dot]com if you so desire

Monday, September 18, 2006

Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business

Yesterday we made it to the musical that we missed out on last weekend. It was a cute little story and both MariAnna & I enjoyed it. She has read some of the Junie B. stories before but I had never heard of them as I'm not in that loop too much these days.

We had a good time chatting before the play and afterwards. We found an ad in the program for an interesting program happening soon at the Duluth Children's Museum (I forget the exhibit's name now but it has something to do with a monkey & China). She also asked if I could come and watch her "test" in her karate class on Wednesday. She's going for a black stripe on a blue belt (I think).


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